Creating, Documenting, and Sharing
The Caroline Pratt Center offers workshops and other dynamic learning opportunities for educators from all educational contexts and experience levels.
We create opportunities to come together to share and document current practice in written and workshop form.
Our 4s Blocks Math Institute is currently accepting applications. This is a cohort-based, year-long institute where participants work together to document current practice while learning from each other and blocks experts in order to develop a full-year, blocks-based mathematics curriculum for the pre-K classroom.
Blocks Math Institute
CPC currently offers workshops for educators of children age two through fifth grade in the use of unit blocks as well as a variety of open-ended materials, including paint, clay, water, outdoor blocks and other building materials. We also offer workshops in movement.
We are planning to hold a conference in the late fall of 2025. Look for information coming in the spring!
Over the next few years, you can expect to see several publications from the CPC. We are developing the Blocks Math Institute curriculum, working on a book about Rhythms (a dynamic movement practice), and will begin publishing newsletters in early 2025.